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بازدید : 96
پنجشنبه 6 خرداد 1400 زمان : 8:38

راهنماي خريد جاروبرقي

اگر قصد خريد جاروبرقي براي منزل خود را داريد و به دنبال بهترين مارک جاروبرقي هستيد و در اينجا به شما کمک خواهيم کرد تا بنا بر نياز و بودجه خود بتوانيد بهترين مدل جاروبرقي را انتخاب کنيد.


منبع: عصر ايران

پيش از بررسي اين نکات خالي از لطف نيست که بگوييم بهترين ها هميشه مي توانند در بهترين مارک جاروبرقي نيز خلاصه شود لذا انتخاب برندي درست به شما در داشتن مزيت هاي اصلي از جمله موتور قدرتمند و طول عمر بالا کمک به سزايي مي کند اما دانستن نکات لازم درباره خريد اين کالا قطعاً به انتخاب مدلي مناسب تر و اطمينان درباره مارک اين دستگاه در ميان انواع جاروبرقي گوناگون کمک به سزايي خواهد کرد.

انواع جاروبرقي مخزن دار و کيسه دار

در کل مي توانيم انواع جاروبرقي خانگي را به دو دسته اصلي تقسيم کنيم که در اينجا به طور خلاصه به بررسي آن ها خواهيم پرداخت و در ادامه با بيان مشخصات مهم در هنگام خريد جاروبرقي مناسب همراهتان خواهيم بود.

جاروبرقي کيسه دار: در اين مدل از جاروبرقي همان‌طور که از اسمش نيز پيداست، گرد و غبار و آشغال‌ها در کيسه يا پاکتي که در دستگاه طراحي شده است جمع مي گردد. جنس کيسه ها مي تواند کاغذي، پارچه و يا پليمر باشد از سايز يا اندازه کوچک تا بزرگ مي باشد که به دو صورت دائمي يا يک بار مصرف هستند. لازم به ذکر است که امروزه به دليل موارد بهداشتي و پاکيزگي شما شاهد کيسه ها يا پاکت هاي يک‌بار مصرف در برندهاي معتبر هستيد و اين دسته از محصول در هنگام خريد جاروبرقي عمدتاً موردتوجه تعداد بيشتري از افراد است چراکه هم تعدد مدل بيشتري دارد و هم از جهت سلامت و بهداشت آسان‌تر مي باشد.

جاروبرقي بدون کيسه: جاروبرقي بدون کيسه يا مخزن دار همان‌طور که از نامش پيداست داراي به جاي کيسه داراي محفظه اي براي جمع آوري زباله مي باشد به طوري شما مي توانيد پس از پر شدن مخزن دستگاه آن را خالي کنيد و مجدداً در سر جايش بگذاريد در همين جا بايد به اين نکته اشاره کنيم که در هنگام انتخاب و خريد جاروبرقي مدل هاي بدون کيسه به سراغ مارک هاي متفرقه نرويد چراکه به دليل نوع عملکرد مي تواند خروجي گرد و غبار بيشتري در محيط به نسبت جاروبرقي کيسه اي داشته باشد و همين امر به شدت مي تواند براي ريه هاي شما آزاردهنده باشد.

نگاهي عميق در هنگام خريد جاروبرقي

قدرت موتور: يکي از مهم ترين موادي که بسياري از افراد در هنگام خريد جاروبرقي بدان توجه مي کنند وات دستگاه است چراکه تصور مي کنند اين وات تعيين کننده ميزان کشش است اما لازم است اين نکته را بدانيد که مي تواند دو جاروبرقي با وات يکسان، مشکي کاملاً متفاوت داشته باشد و در حقيقت نمي توان توان مصرفي را به تنهايي مبنايي از انتخاب قرار دهيد چراکه ميزان مکش در هر جاروبرقي به نوع موتور، خرطومي، نوع عايق و لوله تلسکوپي وابسته خواهد بود و شايد بدون لوله تلسکوپي و در آوردن خرطومي از دستگاه شما کششي بسيار متفاوت را در اختيار داشته باشيد لذا توجه به اين نکته مهم را فراموش نکنيد.

نوع موتور: تکنولوژي هاي گوناگوني مي تواند در جاروهاي برقي وجود داشته باشد که براي مثال مي توانيم به معروف ترين آن ها يعني موتور کمپرسور و HiSpin اشاره کنيم که در دسته بهترين ها محسوب مي گردد. موتور Compressor با داشتن تيغه هاي ايروديناميکي و جريان کاليبره شده داراي مکش بالا و سطح مصرف انرژي پاييني است لذا اگر مي خواهيد خريد جاروبرقي را براي متراژهاي بزرگ انجام دهيد مي توانيم به طور قطع خريد مدل کمپرسور را به شما پيشنهاد دهيم چراکه علاوه بر مکش بسيار بالا در متراژ زياد داغ هم نمي کند و مي تواند براي ساعات بالايي بدون فشار به دستگاه کار کند. به ياد داشته باشيد قدرت موتور در جاروبرقي کمپرسور کاملاً متفاوت از موتورهاي ديگر است تا جايي که نمي توان به عنوان مثال 800 وات کمپرسور را به راحتي تا دو برابر قدرت با جاروبرقي هاي موتور معمولي مقايسه کرد.

در مورد نوع موتور در هنگام خريد جاروبرقي نيز بايد به اين نکته توجه کنيد که افت کيفيت، مکش و قدرت در برندهاي متفرقه مي تواند کاملاً محسوس باشد لذا در هنگام خريد جاروبرقي بهتر است به اين موردتوجه کنيد که پول برندي را بدهيد که ارزش هزينه کردن داشته باشد و به زبان خودماني براي انتخاب اين دستگاه، حتي اگر مدل ارزاني از مارک معتبر را بخريد بهتر از انتخاب مدل بالاي يک مارک متفرقه است.

لوله تلسکوپي: دسته يا لوله تلسکوپي يکي ديگر از موارد مهم در هنگام خريد جاروبرقي است چراکه لوله ها در مدل هاي متنوع ممکن است قابليت تنظيم ارتفاع داشته باشند يا خير و همين تنظيم ارتفاع مي تواند به شما کمک کند تا کاملاً بر مبناي قد خود دسته را تنظيم کنيد تا بدون فشار به ستون فقرات، مچ و کتف خود کار جاروکشي را انجام دهيد.

لوله خرطومي: به طور واضح بگوييم که لوله ها اصولاً يا از جنس پلاستيک و يا کنف هستند و هريک از اين جنس ها در مارک هاي گوناگون مي تواند باکيفيتي متفاوت وارد بازار شود اما در حالت کلي بايد بگوييم که کنف در صورت اينکه در مارک خوبي از باشد مي تواند به مراتب طول عمر بالاتري داشته باشد چراکه خرطومي هاي پلاستيکي ممکن است براثر کشش و به مرور زمان پاره شود اما مدل هاي کنفي طول عمر بيشتري خواهند داشت و به راحتي پاره نمي شود. لازم به کر است که به صورت استاندارد لوله ها براي عدم کم شدن مکش 2 متر مي باشند.

نوع اتصال خرطومي به بدنه: در هنگام خريد جاروبرقي فراموش نکنيد که خرطومي ها به بدنه دستگاه بايد به شکلي اتصال يابند تا 360 درجه قابل چرخش باشد چراکه در غير اين صورت کار جاروکشي سخت خواهد شد و مهم ترين مسئله اين است که در مارک مناسب، به طور دقيق وکيوم و سفت باشد تا تأثيري روي مکش دستگاه نگذارد.

پارويي جاروبرقي: يکي ديگر از موارد مهم در هنگام خريد جاروبرقي، پارويي دستگاه و نوع طراحي آن است، يک پارويي خوب مي تواند به نوبه خود سهم به سزايي در مکش و جمع آوري کثيفي ها داشته باشد و علاوه بر اين مورد يک پارويي مناسب بسيار روان بر روي سطوح حرکت خواهد کرد و همين امر از فشار آمدن به مچ، کتف و کمر شما جلوگيري خواهد کرد پس به منظور داشتن کيفيت بيشتر در جاروکشي و سهولت آن به داشتن پارويي مناسب در جاروبرقي خود توجه فرماييد.

فيلتر هپا: احتمالاً نام فيلتر معروف HEPA به گوشتان خورده است، اين فيلتر که به خصوص در برندهاي معتبر استفاده مي شود داراي اهميت بالايي هستند. در هنگام جاروکشي گرد و غبار خروجي از دستگاه در هوا مخصوصاً نور آفتاب قابل‌رؤيت است و همين مورد به مرور زمان آلرژي هاي گوناگون در افرا ايجاد خواهد کرد که اين مورد به لطف تکنولوژي جديد فيلتر قابل شستشوي هپا تا 99.99 درصد کاهش پيدا کرده و درواقع بسيار مهم مخصوصاً براي افراد حساس به خصوص آلرژي تنفسي مي باشد.

نوع طراحي و Air bumper: نوع طراحي بدنه از جمله ضد خش بودن از مواردي است که در برخي از مدل هاي تاپ برند وجود دارد و اما در کنار اين قابليت گارد محافظتي در برندهاي خوب تا ميزان قابل توجهي سلامت دستگاه و حتي وسايل داخل منزل را تضمين خواهد کرد که مي تواند موردي قابل توجه در هنگام خريد جاروبرقي به شمار برود. حتماً برايتان پيش آمده که در هنگام جارو کردن منزل جاروبرقي به وسايل و يا ديوار خانه برخورد کند که اين مورد هم به جاروي شما و هم وسايل موجود در منزل آسيب مي رساند اما وجود گارد محافظتي د ر برخي از انواع جاروبرقي باعث مي شود که به دليل جنس نرم تر از اين صدمه جلوگيري کند.

اين دسته از موارد در کنار چرخ هاي مناسب در زير جارو، لوازم جاني همراه همچون سري هاي مختلف برايي جاروکشي آسان درزها و مبل ها مي تواند از اهميت ويژه اي برخوردار باشد و در هنگام خريد مورد توجه شما قرار گيرد. حال که اين نکات را مطالعه نموديد پس مس توانيد با اطلاعاتي کامل تر مدل و حتي مارک جاروبرقي خود را انتخاب کنيد اما درنهايت بايد تأکيد کنيم که حتماً خريد جاروبرقي خود را از يک فروشگاه معتبر و مارکي مناسب تهيه فرماييد که خود مي توان تا جاي زيادي بر انتخاب، خريد و حتي قيمتي مناسب تر اهميت داشته باشد.

بازدید : 94
جمعه 31 ارديبهشت 1400 زمان : 10:22

A safer driving in winter for Uber drivers

Driving in winter can be both boring and dangerous if you don’t consider a few things including safety tips. Uber drivers, as they might be driving for hours in winter and snowy days, it is a nice idea to give them a few tips for driving in winter. In this article, we are going to read and learn tips for safer driving in winter for Uber drivers together and see how we can enhance the quality of driving in snowy cold days. Read the article to the end carefully.














The items below are provided in this article

  • Why is it important to have a safer ride in winter?
  • 10 tips to have a safer driving in winter for Uber drivers
  • Always-keep tools in winter
  • Conclusion

Why is it important to have a safe ride in winter?

When it is heavily snowing, driving would be much harder and more dangerous as the streets might be slippery and the rate of accidents would increase. It is a safer idea to refuse to drive on risky days, but sometimes it is impossible to avoid driving specially for Uber drivers! So, it would be absolutely important to be aware of a few tips which lead you to a safer ride for both you and your passengers.

10 tips to have a safer driving in winter for Uber drivers

Simply, if you consider the following 10 tips, you will have a safer ride but note that, even in a safe ride, there is a chance of risks. So, you need to be still careful even if you obey all the safety rules.

  1. Have a bag of cold weather facilities in the trunk. This bag can be filled with warm clothes, medications, flashlight, flammable materials and tools, blankets, power banks, food and water for more than one person (for you and your probable passengers).
  2. A spare inflated tire. Note that your current in use tires should be all inflated and properly working.
  3. Extra fuel (even if you have a full electric vehicle) plus snow chains must be always with you. Don’t forget to have the fixing tools and red triangle. Making sure that all the lights of the car, specially the hazard lights, are working properly is essential.
  4. Check the accelerator and brake before going out and make sure if they work properly.
  5. Keep all your focus on driving. Avoid any action which might distract you such as texting with a phone.
  6. Use the main routes as they are more crowded and less slippery. Besides if you get stuck in a wider road, it is more probable to receive help earlier.
  7. Keep the pace slower. It is always easier to control a car when it is riding slower.
  8. Always be prepared for the worst events. Although it might look a little pessimistic, being prepared for the worst is always better than not being prepared at all.
  9. Keep the connection. Try to have a good signal and be connected with someone in a safe situation who can send you help in difficulties.
  10. Stay with your vehicle when you get stuck in snow. Even if you think by leaving your vehicle you can find help easier, first try to stay with your vehicle as long as possible.

Always-keep tools in winter

There are some tools you need to always carry in your trunk, but some tools are more necessary to be kept in winter. Use the checklist below to make sure you have all the needed tools in your vehicle for necessary occasions.

  1. Snow chains
  2. Tools to change a tire
  3. Flashlight
  4. Spare tire
  5. Tow rope (wire)
  6. Gloves
  7. Firing stuff
  8. First aid kit
  9. Ice scraper
  10. Antifreeze liquid
  11. Extra fuel
  12. An empty bottle to keep fuel
  13. Food and water
  14. Warm clothes
  15. Blankets
  16. Medications
  17. Etc.

Note that it is a better idea to keep all the tools in a separated plastic bag and label them so that you can find and use them more easily. If it is possible, try to have more of each mentioned tool and stuff as you might get stuck in snow for hours and not alone (you might be with your passengers). Any other things you think can be helpful if you carry, consider them but make sure your vehicle doesn’t get too heavy.


Driving in winter can be safe if you are aware of the probable dangers and keep the safety pack with you. Drivers usually forget to keep some safety tools with them in the trunk as they get used to driving on long warm and safe summer days. Another thing which you need to check before driving in winter is to make sure that you have enough fuel in the tank and if your vehicle is hybrid or electric, the battery is fully charged. Beside make sure that the car oil is proper and all parts of the vehicle specially the heater, are working properly. In this article a few tips and a list of needed tools in winter was mentioned that can be helpful for all Uber drivers who drive in winter. We hope you always have a safe ride no matter if it is in winter or not. Keep the driving safe and let your passengers feel safe too.

بازدید : 106
جمعه 31 ارديبهشت 1400 زمان : 10:09

Luxury PCO cars in London

When it comes to hiring a car, every one of us will be looking for a classy and luxury one which is affordable too. Now consider you are going to hire a car to work with. It means you are going to spend a lot of your daily time, a many hours of your life in the car. Definitely the chosen car should be comfortable enough in the car you work with. Apart from being comfortable, you can rent your dream car and use it without buying it. So, luxury cars for rent are so popular.

Now consider you would like to join a PCO company and work as a PCO driver. The thing we mentioned earlier, you work with the car you rent. Don’t you think that people will pay more to PCO drivers when they sit in a more luxury PCO car? Absolutely they pay! Stay with us to the end of this article as you are going to read useful things about luxury PCO cars in London.

This article covers the following issues

  • What is a PCO car?
  • Where can I hire a PCO car?
  • What are the luxury PCO cars in London?
  • What PCO cars are mostly used in London?
  • How much does it cost to rent a PCO car?
  • Are luxury PCO cars Eco friendly too?
  • Conclusion

What is a PCO car?

You are probably familiar with the meaning of PCO car but in order to have a comprehensive article, it is not bad to mention it again. A PCO car is the vehicle, usually four doors of minivans which covers the defined terms and conditions of TfL (transport for London) and can be used only for the people who own a valid PCO license.

Where can I hire a PCO car?

Multiple companies around the UK offer services in renting PCO cars for, ready to join Uber or similar PHV (private hire vehicle) operators. You can simply find them through searching on google or other search engines. One of the best PCO car hire companies is G & M Direct.

What are the luxury PCO cars in London?

By luxury we meant having a good look and being useful at the same time. The point is, different people can have different definitions of a luxury (good look and usefulness) so it is not much simple to say which car is luxury as people have different tastes. But, here we will mention the most popular ones which are branded luxury by the users:














1- Kia Niro PCO car

Kia is well-known for having comfortable cars. So, it is fair to say Kia Niro PCO hire is one of the best options.

2- Mercedes-Benz PCO car

Well, who doesn’t like to drive with a Mercedes Benz? For sure, when any of us hear the name of Mercedes Benz, we unconsciously remember the word luxury, either. So, if you plan to choose a luxury PCO car, Mercedes-Benz PCO hire is suitable.

3- Lexus PCO car

If you are a fan of Lexus, Lexus PCO car hire list includes a great range of cars. Undoubtedly Lexus is one of the most luxury car companies in the world.

What PCO cars are mostly used in London?

Other cars can be luxury for different tastes therefore we bring a list of PCO cars hired in London to make it easier for you to choose your best PCO car.

  • Toyota (Corolla, Prius and Prius plus)
  • Mercedes Benz (specially e-class and Vito)
  • Tesla (model S)
  • Kia (specially Niro)
  • Hyundai (Ioniq Hybrid SE)
  • Etc.

Totally, the cars which are more Eco friendly and use electric energy instead of other fuels, are more popular among PCO drivers and PHV operators.

How much does it cost to rent a PCO car?

Based on the model and the type of the car you choose, the rental fee can be varied but as an estimation, you will need to pay between £150 to £250 weekly for a high class car. Also add the deposition fee of £500 for rentals.

Are luxury PCO cars Eco friendly too?

Well, when we say luxury we both mean useful and good looking. Although being Eco friendly was not mentioned, it is good to know that luxury PCO cars are mostly Eco friendly as they are:

  • New
  • Using the recent technology
  • Using less fuel and are mostly electric based or hybrid
  • Not producing harmful gases
  • Etc.

So it can be said, yes! Luxury PCO cars are Eco friendly and be sure that you will harm the environment less by using them rather than normal vehicles.


Although people might have different tastes which lead them to call different vehicles luxury, we all prefer driving a luxury car. Considering a PCO driver who will spend one third of his day in the car, driving a comfortable and luxury car will make him less tired at the end of the work day. Besides, riders are more likely to pay for tips on a classier PCO car. So, if you are a PCO driver and thinking of changing your PCO car into a better one, take a look at our luxury PCO car suggestion and then decide. In this article we offered 3 of the top luxury PCO cars popular among PCO drivers and also mentioned a short list of other luxury PCO cars. Hope that reading this article will be useful to you.

بازدید : 99
جمعه 31 ارديبهشت 1400 زمان : 10:07

Luxury PCO cars in London

When it comes to hiring a car, every one of us will be looking for a classy and luxury one which is affordable too. Now consider you are going to hire a car to work with. It means you are going to spend a lot of your daily time, a many hours of your life in the car. Definitely the chosen car should be comfortable enough in the car you work with. Apart from being comfortable, you can rent your dream car and use it without buying it. So, luxury cars for rent are so popular.

Now consider you would like to join a PCO company and work as a PCO driver. The thing we mentioned earlier, you work with the car you rent. Don’t you think that people will pay more to PCO drivers when they sit in a more luxury PCO car? Absolutely they pay! Stay with us to the end of this article as you are going to read useful things about luxury PCO cars in London.

This article covers the following issues

  • What is a PCO car?
  • Where can I hire a PCO car?
  • What are the luxury PCO cars in London?
  • What PCO cars are mostly used in London?
  • How much does it cost to rent a PCO car?
  • Are luxury PCO cars Eco friendly too?
  • Conclusion

What is a PCO car?

You are probably familiar with the meaning of PCO car but in order to have a comprehensive article, it is not bad to mention it again. A PCO car is the vehicle, usually four doors of minivans which covers the defined terms and conditions of TfL (transport for London) and can be used only for the people who own a valid PCO license.

Where can I hire a PCO car?

Multiple companies around the UK offer services in renting PCO cars for, ready to join Uber or similar PHV (private hire vehicle) operators. You can simply find them through searching on google or other search engines. One of the best PCO car hire companies is G & M Direct.

What are the luxury PCO cars in London?

By luxury we meant having a good look and being useful at the same time. The point is, different people can have different definitions of a luxury (good look and usefulness) so it is not much simple to say which car is luxury as people have different tastes. But, here we will mention the most popular ones which are branded luxury by the users:














1- Kia Niro PCO car

Kia is well-known for having comfortable cars. So, it is fair to say Kia Niro PCO hire is one of the best options.

2- Mercedes-Benz PCO car

Well, who doesn’t like to drive with a Mercedes Benz? For sure, when any of us hear the name of Mercedes Benz, we unconsciously remember the word luxury, either. So, if you plan to choose a luxury PCO car, Mercedes-Benz PCO hire is suitable.

3- Lexus PCO car

If you are a fan of Lexus, Lexus PCO car hire list includes a great range of cars. Undoubtedly Lexus is one of the most luxury car companies in the world.

What PCO cars are mostly used in London?

Other cars can be luxury for different tastes therefore we bring a list of PCO cars hired in London to make it easier for you to choose your best PCO car.

  • Toyota (Corolla, Prius and Prius plus)
  • Mercedes Benz (specially e-class and Vito)
  • Tesla (model S)
  • Kia (specially Niro)
  • Hyundai (Ioniq Hybrid SE)
  • Etc.

Totally, the cars which are more Eco friendly and use electric energy instead of other fuels, are more popular among PCO drivers and PHV operators.

How much does it cost to rent a PCO car?

Based on the model and the type of the car you choose, the rental fee can be varied but as an estimation, you will need to pay between £150 to £250 weekly for a high class car. Also add the deposition fee of £500 for rentals.

Are luxury PCO cars Eco friendly too?

Well, when we say luxury we both mean useful and good looking. Although being Eco friendly was not mentioned, it is good to know that luxury PCO cars are mostly Eco friendly as they are:

  • New
  • Using the recent technology
  • Using less fuel and are mostly electric based or hybrid
  • Not producing harmful gases
  • Etc.

So it can be said, yes! Luxury PCO cars are Eco friendly and be sure that you will harm the environment less by using them rather than normal vehicles.


Although people might have different tastes which lead them to call different vehicles luxury, we all prefer driving a luxury car. Considering a PCO driver who will spend one third of his day in the car, driving a comfortable and luxury car will make him less tired at the end of the work day. Besides, riders are more likely to pay for tips on a classier PCO car. So, if you are a PCO driver and thinking of changing your PCO car into a better one, take a look at our luxury PCO car suggestion and then decide. In this article we offered 3 of the top luxury PCO cars popular among PCO drivers and also mentioned a short list of other luxury PCO cars. Hope that reading this article will be useful to you.

بازدید : 76
جمعه 31 ارديبهشت 1400 زمان : 10:04

how to get pco car license

pco car is a name that is familiar to all Londoners and tourists from all over the world, but for those who do not know what pco car is, this article is intended to introduce it to you. As the UK's busiest city, London attracts nearly 30 million travelers from around the world each year; An opportunity that has created intense competition between different agencies, each of which in turn cooperates in attracting passengers. This opportunity is pco car, that has made this big economic city a competitive enterprise between companies as well as individuals. In pco car, expensive cars with experienced drivers (those who have a pco hire car license), are provided to tourists at the most appropriate prices in order to try to attract more tourists. In the meantime, people whose job is driving can also participate in this competition along with companies and contribute to attracting customers in London. They also have an excellent source of income in a short time and with high flexibility. But like any other job, getting a PCO license is a must, and not everyone can enroll in this job just by having a regular license or having a car. Obtaining a license requires going through the steps outlined below:














pco car hire license

If you are looking for a safe and flexible way to earn money with the requested driving programs or in other word on-demand driving apps, if you want to enjoy being with other people and tourists, pco license is a term that you must have heard of or have ever applied for. so You are aware of the conditions and how to obtain this license. but If you have only heard the term and have not acted on it, we need to remind you that the pco license is an essential license for people who want to be active in the London's transport and travel industry, whether you want to enter this job alone or register in a reputable company, you need to get your pco license to be able to start a new business. But the question is, what do you need to know? Where to apply for a license? And what are its positive or negative aspects? We have prepared a Table of contents below, so that you can find the answers to all your questions in this regard by referring to it:

pco car license table of content

Here are some answers to pco car license questions. This is our most up to date information on pco car license.

What does pco car license refers to?

One of the most important conditions for obtaining a pco car license is to have a car. pco car refers to four-door private cars or minivans that must meet all the necessary standards for travel from the London Transport Authority; In other words, these cars must meet the required standards. The Mayor’s Air Quality Strategy to improve the air quality of the city of London, as well as to increase the safety of passengers, is to set an age limit for taxis and private cars. If your car or the vehicle you are about to buy is old or seriously damaged, it will not be licensed.

pco car license conditions for a car

As of January 1, 2012, the following has been applied to rental cars:

  1. Private vehicles that are 10 years old or older are not licensed; From 4 months after this date, the age limit of cars reached 5 years.
  2. From the above date, personal belongings must comply with Euro 4 standards, otherwise they will not be licensed.

What conditions do an individual need to get a pco car license?

Another requirement for obtaining a pco car license is that three years have passed since driving in London to gain sufficient driving experience; In addition, you need other requirements for obtaining a pco car license:

First of all, you must be 21 years of age and. Second of all you need to meet your full Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency license, at least for three years old. The third element is that you be able to live in England; Either be a UK citizen or have a residence permit. According to the latest decree of the Mayor of London, those who do not have this license do not have the right to drive. Moreover, you need to face these documents and overcome them:

Individual requirements to get pco car license

  1. Your Disclosure and Barring Service check: This is a review of your criminal record showing details of all convictions, reprimands and final warnings contained in Central Police files (excluding convictions and protected precautions).
  2. Proof that your mentally and medically fit.

General skills for pco car license

  1. Provide a topographic proficiency certificate from a reputable assessment center: topographic skills certificate, is a test to ensure drivers have the necessary understanding of how maps work. Whether you were born and raised in London or just getting to know your way around the city. You must take this test.
  2. English language certificate: you must Prove your English skills, by passing an English language test. To get the license, the Transport for London Authority requires you to have a good understanding of English language. Here is a list of the following:
  • You must be able to read, write, speak and listen as well as IELTS.
  • Having the SELT certificate at B1 level or higher.
  • BSc Hons degree or higher i.e. master’s, PhD
  • An A level certificate of UK AS-Level
  • UK HNC/HND qualification

Once you have successfully completed all the above steps and documents, you can submit your PCO license application to Transport for London. After starting the registration and completing the steps, log in and follow the instructions. After all you probably want to know how much does a pco car license cost?

A pco car license costs around 700 in total, but it should be noted that getting this license can vary greatly depending on your specific circumstances. If you already have the necessary documents, you will pay less; But if you need courses to prepare for your assessment or exam, your costs may increase a bit. And finally, depending on your skills, you may try a test at once or On several occasions, which in turn determines the costs.

بازدید : 77
جمعه 31 ارديبهشت 1400 زمان : 10:02

How to become Uber driver London?

Is anybody here who doesn’t know Uber? Well if yes, let’s know it now! Uber, as the most popular and well-known PHV operator in the world, is still trying to cover more locations by hiring more drivers. This is a great way for those who are looking for a part-time or even a full time job to increase their monthly income. The best point of this type of job role is that you are the only person who decides about the work time! Apart from that, you can decide to work for longer hours if you need to earn more or choose to work less if you are not in the mood to work.

Read this article carefully as we are going to give whatever you need to know to become an Uber driver in London and get familiar with the requirements, terms and conditions.

You are going to read the following issues through this article

  • Why Uber?
  • What do I need to become an Uber driver?
  • How to join Uber? Step by step guide
  • Conclusion














Why Uber?

Although Uber was not the first rideshare app, it made a big change in the transportation industry as it offers a vast service for both riders and drivers. In other words, it can be said that Uber is the most comprehensive PHV operator! Being fast, having a reasonable fee, more available drivers, etc. can be other reasons which made Uber become one of the best.

What do I need to become an Uber driver in London?

There are some documents and certificates you need to provide to Uber to be a member of them. This is the list of requirements which can help you better to collect. Besides, we are going to talk about them in more detail.

  1. Valid driving license of the UK
  2. Valid PCO license
  3. A PCO car
  4. Insurance number
  5. A Bank account

Driving licenses are clear for all of us, but you might be curious about PCO licenses. PCO license is a degree offered by TfL and examines your skills in driving, map reading, English fluency, medical health, background, etc. The test is held in one of the approved offices announced by TfL and once you get it, it is valid for 3 years. After 3 years, you need to renew it.

In order to explain PCO cars, let’s go through it with a little more detail.

What is a PCO car?

A PCO car is an accepted vehicle by TfL which can be either a 4 door car or a minivan. You can use your own car as a PCO car if it meets the TfL requirements. But, it is highly recommended to hire a PCO car from PCO car hire companies such as G&M Direct hire as they are Uber ready. If you choose your personal car, you need to collect insurance and car health documents to upload on Uber website.

What PCO cars are good choices?

PCO car hire in London is not much challenging as you can find various plans and cars to rent with different rental fees and options. In this article, we decided to mention 3 of top PCO car rental plans in London to make it easier for those who want to rent a PCO car in London to decide. The plans are:

  1. Mercedes Benz E-class PCO hire
  2. Toyota Prius PCO hire
  3. Kia Niro PCO hire

These three cars are sort of the most popular among the PCO drivers (specially Kia Niro PCO). If you are looking for a luxury choice, Mercedes Benz E-class PCO car is a nice choice with approximately £260 weekly rental fee, if you are up for a full electric choice Kia Niro PCO car is for £220 weekly rental fee and if you look for a more affordable choice, Toyota Prius PCO can be a nice option for only £150 weekly rental fee.

Is it better to rent a PCO car or use my personal car to join Uber in London?

This is a frequently asked question by those who decided to join Uber or other rideshare companies to work. Well, they are right. There must be a clear answer for that. Here, we tell you that’s totally up to you to choose what car is better, but it is recommended to rent a PCO car since:

  1. They are ready to join Uber (or other PHV operators)
  2. You can change the car if you get tired of it.
  3. You can rent your dream vehicle.
  4. Fixing and services are provided by the company which means cutting down extra expenses.
  5. Depreciation on your personal car is omitted.
  6. Etc.

How to join Uber? Step by step guide

Did you collect all the documents and meet all the requirements? Then you are ready to apply for Uber. All you need to do is the following steps:

  1. Sign up on Uber official website. (if you have an account simply log in)
  2. Fill the information blanks carefully.
  3. Scan all your documents.
  4. Upload each document that is asked. First, you will need to upload your PCO license. A valid UK driving license, ID card which approve being at least 21 years of age, Private Hire Insurance allowing you to transport passengers for hire and reward, Bank Statement for the bank account that will be used to receive payments from Uber (which is needed to be under your name or a business which you are an owner of) and the Driver profile photo are the other documents.
  5. Admitting the vehicle. If you rent a PCO car, they are mostly Uber ready and the company will submit it for you freely.
  6. Fill the contracts forms and send them to Uber.
  7. Wait to receive an activation status from the Uber supporting team.
  8. Congratulations! You are an Uber driver now.


It is a very good choice for those who don’t like to be limited in their career to join Uber and work as a PCO driver. In this article we mentioned a step by step guide to join Uber, gave information about PCO cars and why to choose them and explained why Uber is getting that much popular each day. We hope that by reading this article, you would be able to make a change in your career and increase your income.

بازدید : 80
جمعه 31 ارديبهشت 1400 زمان : 9:59

Getting a PCO license in London | What PCO Drivers Need to Know

Having the idea of increasing the earning or having a boss-less job that offers you freedom in choosing time and location of your career, is always a critical decision as you might not be successful in that. But, let me tell you something cool. Becoming a private driver is a way to choose becoming more independent in your job. You ask why? Well, clearly it offers you the following benefits:

  1. You are free to choose the time and duration you spend on working.
  2. You can work in any part of the city.
  3. There is no boss and you are the boss of you.
  4. Earning can go higher by earning tips.
  5. You can choose your off days freely.
  6. Etc.

Was it enough? In other words, by becoming a PCO driver, you can be a freelance taxi driver! so if you decided to choose this job as a part-time job, second job or even your main job, don’t miss this article as there are a few preparations of becoming an official PCO driver. One of these preparations is having a PCO license. Let's see what is needed to get a PCO license.














This article covers the items below

  • Terms and conditions of getting a PCO license
  • What else is needed to become a PCO driver?
  • Conclusion

Terms and conditions of getting a PCO license

In order to get a PCO license you need to obey the following terms so that you are qualified to get one.

  1. Being 21 or older.
  2. Having a valid driving license in the UK and minimum of 3 years driving experience.
  3. Being eligible to work in the UK.
  4. Fluency in English and providing this fluency by an accepted degree.
  5. No criminal background or providing DBS documents.
  6. Having the medical checkup documents.

If you have the mentioned 6 conditions, then you have the possibility to register for a PCO license. In order to get a PCO license you have to go through the steps below:

Step one

Register online through the official website of TfL (transport for London) to get a PCO license (https://tfl.gov.uk) . Registration will ask you to provide the driver photo plus some other personal information and won’t take much long. Consider that, if you weren’t living in the UK for the past three months, there is an additional form needed to be completed to provide details of your abroad job and home.

Step two

Collect the documents of DBS, medical health proof, and fluency in English.

Note that even if you are a native English speaker, you will also have to prove your English fluency. Some accepted certifications are IELTS (International English Language Test System) and Trinity College London's ISE I qualification.

The medical check-up form is needed to be done by a GP. Even if you are not planning to register for a PCO license, it is a good idea to have a check-up every six months. In this form you are tested by the following 14 items:

  1. vision
  2. visuospatial perception
  3. hearing
  4. attention and concentration
  5. memory
  6. insight and understanding
  7. judgement
  8. adaptive strategies
  9. good reaction time
  10. planning and organization
  11. ability to self-monitor
  12. sensation
  13. muscle power and control
  14. coordination

This test will show if you are physically and mentally qualified for this job role.

The DBS document will also prove that you are having a clear background which means you have a good character.

Step three

There is a test that needs to be done (only if they ask you) called Topographical test which examines your map reading skills. As a PCO driver you have to be skilled enough to read the maps easily to find the best routes.

Step four

After doing all the previous steps and filling the forms, you are asked to pay the application fee. The total cost of PCO license is estimated as:

  • DBS disclosure application: £56.85 for online applications – £58.85 for paper applications.
  • License application fee: £124.00
  • Grant of license fee: £186.00
  • Post office check and send: £7.15
  • English language test (if you don’t have a required degree): £180.00 - £200.00
  • Topographical test: £75.00
  • Medical test: based on your GP can be various

The total cost would be around £650.00 + the GP medical test fee.

What else is needed to become a PCO driver?

Having a PCO car is the next step of becoming a PCO driver. The PCO car can be either your personal car with valid insurance if it meets the conditions of the PHV operator or a PCO rental car which is ready to join the desired companies (such as Uber) and start working. Note that if you choose to use your personal vehicle, it should be a minivan or a four door car that is matched with all the terms of the vehicles for the company you apply for. As a recommendation, we offer you to choose a rental plan as it is a more rational choice.


Becoming a PCO driver is one of the best options of raising incomes as it has its customer every time of the year, the month, the week and the day. If you are planning to select this role as your main or semi-main career, let us congratulate you on your great decision. In this article a step by step guide of getting a PCO license in London was mentioned, and we hope it would be useful for the applicants.

بازدید : 100
جمعه 31 ارديبهشت 1400 زمان : 9:57

A safer driving in winter for Uber drivers

Driving in winter can be both boring and dangerous if you don’t consider a few things including safety tips. Uber drivers, as they might be driving for hours in winter and snowy days, it is a nice idea to give them a few tips for driving in winter. In this article, we are going to read and learn tips for safer driving in winter for Uber drivers together and see how we can enhance the quality of driving in snowy cold days. Read the article to the end carefully.














The items below are provided in this article

  • Why is it important to have a safer ride in winter?
  • 10 tips to have a safer driving in winter for Uber drivers
  • Always-keep tools in winter
  • Conclusion

Why is it important to have a safe ride in winter?

When it is heavily snowing, driving would be much harder and more dangerous as the streets might be slippery and the rate of accidents would increase. It is a safer idea to refuse to drive on risky days, but sometimes it is impossible to avoid driving specially for Uber drivers! So, it would be absolutely important to be aware of a few tips which lead you to a safer ride for both you and your passengers.

10 tips to have a safer driving in winter for Uber drivers

Simply, if you consider the following 10 tips, you will have a safer ride but note that, even in a safe ride, there is a chance of risks. So, you need to be still careful even if you obey all the safety rules.

  1. Have a bag of cold weather facilities in the trunk. This bag can be filled with warm clothes, medications, flashlight, flammable materials and tools, blankets, power banks, food and water for more than one person (for you and your probable passengers).
  2. A spare inflated tire. Note that your current in use tires should be all inflated and properly working.
  3. Extra fuel (even if you have a full electric vehicle) plus snow chains must be always with you. Don’t forget to have the fixing tools and red triangle. Making sure that all the lights of the car, specially the hazard lights, are working properly is essential.
  4. Check the accelerator and brake before going out and make sure if they work properly.
  5. Keep all your focus on driving. Avoid any action which might distract you such as texting with a phone.
  6. Use the main routes as they are more crowded and less slippery. Besides if you get stuck in a wider road, it is more probable to receive help earlier.
  7. Keep the pace slower. It is always easier to control a car when it is riding slower.
  8. Always be prepared for the worst events. Although it might look a little pessimistic, being prepared for the worst is always better than not being prepared at all.
  9. Keep the connection. Try to have a good signal and be connected with someone in a safe situation who can send you help in difficulties.
  10. Stay with your vehicle when you get stuck in snow. Even if you think by leaving your vehicle you can find help easier, first try to stay with your vehicle as long as possible.

Always-keep tools in winter

There are some tools you need to always carry in your trunk, but some tools are more necessary to be kept in winter. Use the checklist below to make sure you have all the needed tools in your vehicle for necessary occasions.

  1. Snow chains
  2. Tools to change a tire
  3. Flashlight
  4. Spare tire
  5. Tow rope (wire)
  6. Gloves
  7. Firing stuff
  8. First aid kit
  9. Ice scraper
  10. Antifreeze liquid
  11. Extra fuel
  12. An empty bottle to keep fuel
  13. Food and water
  14. Warm clothes
  15. Blankets
  16. Medications
  17. Etc.

Note that it is a better idea to keep all the tools in a separated plastic bag and label them so that you can find and use them more easily. If it is possible, try to have more of each mentioned tool and stuff as you might get stuck in snow for hours and not alone (you might be with your passengers). Any other things you think can be helpful if you carry, consider them but make sure your vehicle doesn’t get too heavy.


Driving in winter can be safe if you are aware of the probable dangers and keep the safety pack with you. Drivers usually forget to keep some safety tools with them in the trunk as they get used to driving on long warm and safe summer days. Another thing which you need to check before driving in winter is to make sure that you have enough fuel in the tank and if your vehicle is hybrid or electric, the battery is fully charged. Beside make sure that the car oil is proper and all parts of the vehicle specially the heater, are working properly. In this article a few tips and a list of needed tools in winter was mentioned that can be helpful for all Uber drivers who drive in winter. We hope you always have a safe ride no matter if it is in winter or not. Keep the driving safe and let your passengers feel safe too.

بازدید : 67
يکشنبه 26 ارديبهشت 1400 زمان : 22:57

VPN و شفافيت در زنجيره تأمين

اين مقاله براي آگاهي دادن به شما در مورد موضوعات مهم در زنجيره تأمين مربوط به صنعت VPN نوشته شده است.

بدون شک ، کاربران و مشترکان VPN به طور فزاينده اي از ايمني و امنيت فعاليت هاي آنلاين خود آگاه هستند ، پس از بسياري از مطالعات VPN هاي تبليغاتي ، نتايج نشان مي دهد که ميزان سرقت اطلاعات آنلاين افزايش يافته است. طبق کميسيون تجارت فدرال ، فقط در سال 2018 ، 3 ميليون گزارش از سرقت آنلاين گزارش شده است.

حتي اگر اين تهديدها - و گسترش نقض داده ها - همچنان خبرساز شوند ، کاربران با وجود تهديدها همچنان به Wi-Fi عمومي متصل مي شوند و هنگام سفر به ساير شبکه هاي ناامن مي پيوندند. افراد محتاط تر يا باهوش فني مي دانند که به شبکه هاي خصوصي مجازي (VPN) روي آورده اند تا راهي براي اتصال ايمن آنلاين باشند و با گسترش تعداد VPN ها ، برخي پروژه ها مي توانند بازار VPN را تا سال 2022 به بيش از 35 ميليارد دلار گسترش دهند.

چرا VPN و زنجيره تأمين آن مهم است؟

اين بدان معناست که اين منطقه و بازار فعال مي تواند حتي براي برخي از ارزهاي ديجيتال براي سرمايه گذاران و فعالان اقتصادي سودآور باشد. حتي مي توانيد برخي از بازارياب ها را مشاهده کنيد که با ايجاد تبليغات تلويزيوني و اينترنتي پر زرق و برق که باعث الهام بخشيدن به مخاطبانشان مي شود ، تعداد زيادي مشتري را جذب و برنده مي کنند.

با اين حال ، وقتي اين شرکت ها به دنبال عقب بردن پرده دنياي زيرين ديجيتال هستند ، نمي توانم تعجب کنم که آيا پرده براي کار خودشان به اندازه کافي عقب است؟ منظور من اين نيست که آنها سارقاني هستند که داده هاي کاربر را فراموش مي کنند (اگرچه برخي افراد اطلاعات شما را به اشخاص ثالث مي فروشند) ، اما در عوض شما مي پرسيد که آيا صنعت VPN نگران پروتکل هاي امنيتي آنها نيست؟ آيا شفاف است يا خير؟

مشکلات مربوط به هک و زنجيره تأمين NordVPN

NordVPN ، احتمالاً شناخته شده ترين ارائه دهنده VPN ، اخيراً هک شده است. يک مهاجم به يک سيستم کنترل از راه دور کاملاً ناامن که توسط "ارائه دهنده مرکز ناشناس داده" رها شده بود وارد شد و به يکي از سرورهاي آن در يک مرکز داده خارج از کشور حمله کرد.

اگرچه NordVPN به جديدترين هک فناوري پيشرفته تبديل شده است و حتي از يک کنسول امنيتي ناامن بزرگ نيز برخوردار است ، اما در اينجا مسئله چندان مهمي نيست. همچنين اين واقعيتي نيست که اين اختلال به مدت يک ماه مورد توجه قرار نگرفته است ، هرچند که کمي بيشتر گاز مي گيرد. نکته مهم در اينجا اين است که NordVPN نه تنها نمي دانست که اين سيستم براي حفظ عملکرد خود استفاده مي شود ، بلکه از وجود آن هيچ تصوري نداشت. يک دقيقه فکر کنيد؛ ارائه دهنده امنيت داده با يک شريک اصلي در ارتباط است و تمام آسيب پذيري هاي احتمالي شرکاي خود را برطرف نکرده است.

آيا NordVPN فقط ناهنجاري در صنعت است که بايد مورد توجه قرار گيرد؟ نه ، متوجه شديم که اين آسيب پذيري نه تنها NordVPN را به خطر انداخته ، بلکه موارد ديگري مانند TorGuard را نيز آشکار کرده است. اکنون روند وحشتناکي داريم. اکنون بسياري از ارائه دهندگان VPN خدمات خود را به عنوان بخشي از تبليغات برنامه ريزي شده براي کاربري که هنوز با اين فنآوري آشنايي ندارد - از جمله افرادي که ممکن است بخواهند داده هاي شما را با دولت به اشتراک بگذارند - به بازار عرضه کنند. اما اکنون حتي "معتمدترين ها" ثابت کرده اند که آنها گاهي پروتکل هاي رايگان يا محافظت نشده اي را به مشترکان خود ارائه مي دهند که به هيچ وجه قابل اعتماد نيستند.

اهميت شفافيت در زنجيره تأمين

چرا چنين مشکلي وجود دارد؟ کل وضعيت يک سوال بزرگ در مورد اينکه چه کسي زيرساخت VPN را کنترل مي کند و چه کسي مسئول است. وي همچنين بر عدم شفافيت صنعت VPN پيرامون زنجيره تامين آن تأکيد مي کند. حتي پس از هک NordVPN ، شبکه ارائه دهندگان مجرم VPN که به مرکز داده سرازير شده اند ، نامي ندارند.

وقتي اطمينان حاصل کنيم که همه کارها با خيال راحت و کارآمد انجام شده است ، اطمينان حاصل مي کنيم که مراحل موجود ، از جمله کار با هزاران دستگاه و شريک ، ايمن بوده و زيرساخت هاي موجود در Google را مديريت مي کنند يا مانند Google مي توانند امنيت داده هاي آنها را تضمين کنند.

داشتن يک ديد کامل از زنجيره تأمين زيرساخت ، اگر شفاف نباشد کاربر را دچار ترديد مي کند. آنها بايد تمام تلاش خود را انجام دهند و در صورت لزوم از منابع کافي استفاده کنند تا بتوانند کليه ارتباطات و اطلاعات مربوط به کاربران خود را در سطح بالايي از امنيت حفظ کنند.

اگرچه هر سازماني به منابع يک شرکت بزرگ مانند Google دسترسي ندارد ، اما بسياري از ارائه دهندگان VPN ادعا مي کنند که از بهترين ويژگي هاي محافظت از مصرف کننده (رمزگذاري درجه نظامي ، بدون ورود به سيستم ، کليد) برخوردار هستند. کليدهاي تعويض و غيره).

انتخاب ارائه دهنده VPN مناسب مي تواند مهمترين نکته قبل از خريد باشد

اگرچه نتوانند امنيت سرورهاي خود را حفظ کنند ، آنها شکست مي خورند. آنچه صنعت VPN به وضوح فاقد آن است ، چارچوب ، زيرساخت و روند لازم براي درک رفتار ارائه شده توسط همه ارائه دهندگان پشتيباني آنها - از جمله ارائه دهندگان است.

بدون شک ، حل يک چالش شبکه دشواري هاي منحصر به فردي دارد ، اما خالي از امکان نيست. بحث در مورد زنجيره تأمين و شرکا دو دليل است که ما پس از ترک Google از شبکه هاي تحت حمايت بلاکچين جذب مي شويم ، زيرا انجمن توسعه دهندگان Blockchain درک مي کند که شفافيت و حسابرسي در يک محيط تهديدآميز پيچيده و مهم است.

حسابرسي مي تواند کمي آسان تر باشد زيرا هر ارائه دهنده وقتي با استفاده از کليد خصوصي خود وارد سيستم مي شود وارد بلاکچين مي شود. در مورد NordVPN ، امکان معرفي يک ابزار مديريتي باقي مانده در سرور وجود داشت که در صورت بررسي تاريخچه زنجيره تامين ، مي توان آن را علامت گذاري کرد.

نکته آخر اينکه وقت آن است که اين ارائه دهندگان VPN قبل از سوختن کل خانه به فکر آشپزخانه خودشان باشند. ديگر کافي نيست که به سادگي به صنعت VPN اعتماد کنيد تا زنجيره هاي تأمين خود را کشف کند و سپس تصور کنيد که آنها خود نقش پليس دارند.

اگر ارائه دهندگان واقعاً مي خواهند از حداكثر شفافيت اطمينان حاصل كنند و زيرساخت هاي خود را قفل و محافظت كنند تا به راحتي توسط ديگران هك نشود ، پس يك محل خوب براي شروع يا تعهد سرمايه گذاري در مميزي مستقل است. يا نشانه هايي از اينکه آنها قصد دارند به يک انجمن بلاکچين آگاه بپيوندند.


بازدید : 66
يکشنبه 26 ارديبهشت 1400 زمان : 11:31

همه چيز در مورد ماشين ظرفشويي

اين روزها ماشين ظرفشويي مختلفي را مي توان در آشپزخانه ها يافت. اکنون اين دستگاه ها نه تنها غذا مي پزند بلکه ظرف ها را نيز خودشان مي شويند! با اين وجود استفاده م effectivelyثر از ماشين ظرفشويي يک ضرورت و ضروري است که بايد از آن آگاه باشيد و درآمد ، آب و انرژي خود را براي استفاده صحيح هدر ندهيد.

ماشين ظرفشويي چگونه ظرفهاي ما را مي شويد؟!

ماشين ظرفشويي دستگاهي اتوماتيک است که ظروف کثيف را شسته و تميز مي کند. تمام کاري که شما بايد انجام دهيد اين است که دستگاه را پر کنيد ، مواد شوينده اضافه کنيد ، چرخه شستشو را تنظيم کنيد و دکمه "روشن" را فشار دهيد. اما ماشين ظرفشويي کارهاي خاصي را نيز به تنهايي انجام مي دهد که شامل:

خودش را پر از آب مي کند.

براي تميز کردن آنها ، او از طريق چشمه ها با سرعت و فشار زياد روي ظروف آب مي پاشيد.

آب کثيف را تخليه کنيد.

با شستشوي آب بيشتر ، ظرف ها را آبکشي مي کند.

هوا را خشک مي کند تا ظروف خشک شود. البته اگر مي خواهيد هنگام تنظيم دستگاه اين کار را انجام دهيد.

علاوه بر اين ، ماشين ظرفشويي کار خود را کنترل مي کند تا همه چيز روان پيش برود. يک تايمر طول هر چرخه را تنظيم مي کند. يک گيرنده حسي براي جلوگيري از گرم شدن بيش از حد و آسيب رساندن به ظروف دما را نمايش مي دهد و گيرنده حسي ديگر مي تواند بگويد که سطح آب به اندازه کافي بالا است تا مرحله شستشو و شستشو آغاز شود. برخي از ماشين هاي ظرفشويي گيرنده هايي دارند که ميزان آب کثيفي را که از ظروف مي چکد تشخيص مي دهند و وقتي آب به اندازه کافي تميز باشد ، ماشين ظرفشويي متوجه تميز بودن ظروف مي شود.

انواع ماشين ظرفشويي قابل سفارش در فروشگاه تيز فروش:

ماشين ظرفشويي ال جي

ماشين ظرفشويي دوو

ميوه را بشوييد

اگر از مغازه داران س askال کنيد ، آنها مي گويند همه ماشين هاي ظرفشويي ميوه ها و سبزيجات را مي شستند و يک سبد ميوه دارند. خوب است بدانيد که اين سبد ميوه اي که مغازه داران چيزي جز طبقه اول ماشين ظرفشويي شما نمي نامند! در واقع آنچه ماشين ظرفشويي را از نظر شستشوي ميوه از ساير ماشين ظرفشويي متمايز مي کند ، توانايي کار با آب سرد است. اين بدان معني است که ماشين ظرفشويي برنامه اي دارد که مي توان از آن براي شستن ميوه ها با آب سرد استفاده کرد تا پلاستيکي نشوند.

انواع ماشين ظرفشويي

به طور کلي سه نوع ماشين ظرفشويي وجود دارد: ماشين ظرفشويي توکار ، ماشين ظرفشويي روميزي و ماشين ظرفشويي ايستاده. ماشين ظرفشويي توکار را مي توان به صورت دائمي زير سينک ظرفشويي ، بين کابينت ها ، زير صفحه کابينت نصب کرد (البته به شرطي که کابينت ها را جابجا نکنيد).

ماشين هاي ظرفشويي روميزي معمولاً روي کابينت و ... يا نزديک ظرفشويي آشپزخانه قرار مي گيرند و به راحتي قابل جابجايي هستند. حتي مي توانيد ماشين ظرفشويي روميزي را در آشپزخانه ذخيره و نصب کنيد تا در صورت لزوم ظرف ها را بشوييد. ماشين ظرفشويي براي ورود آب به دستگاه به شير آب نياز دارد و لوله تخليه بايد در تخليه باشد.

نکاتي که بايد هنگام خريد ماشين ظرفشويي رعايت کنيد

بازوي آب پاش

اگر قصد خريد داريد ، به دنبال ماشين هاي ظرفشويي باشيد که بيشترين بازوي باران را داشته باشند. مدل هاي مناسب داراي بازوي آب پاش هستند ، در حالي که مدل هاي مناسب تر داراي بيش از سه بازوي باراني هستند.


به استاندارد سازي توجه کنيد اگر هنگام خريد ماشين ظرفشويي هزينه بيشتري بپردازيد و دستگاهي بخريد که کمترين انرژي را مصرف کند و داراي برچسب انرژي باشد ، ديگر لازم نيست نگران افزايش هزينه هاي برق باشيد.

کم مصرف بودن

ميزان مصرف برق ماشين هاي ظرفشويي بيشتر به فناوري بکار رفته در آن بستگي دارد. هزينه هاي انرژي ، نگهداري نکته ديگري است که بايد مورد توجه قرار گيرد.

انتخاب يک دستگاه غير استاندارد در وهله اول ممکن است براي شما ارزان تر باشد ، اما هزينه هاي جانبي آن گران تر است و شما بايد هر ماه هزينه بيشتري را براي انرژي بپردازيد. بنابراين اگر در حال حاضر بودجه کمي براي خريد ماشين مناسب داريد ، خريد خود را براي چند ماه به تعويق بيندازيد و يک وسيله کامل و راحت را به خانه بياوريد.

ماشين ظرفشويي با کنترل کننده هاي حسي و لمسي

اخيراً ، در طراحي ماشين هاي ظرفشويي ، نوآوري در ظاهر ، کارايي ، اصول بهداشتي و بهينه سازي مصرف انرژي مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. ماشين ظرفشويي مختلفي در مارک هاي مختلف در بازار وجود دارد که از نظر عملکرد و طراحي تنوع زيادي دارند. ماشين هاي ظرفشويي با کنترل کننده هاي حسي و لمسي انواع جديدي از ماشين هاي ظرفشويي هستند که در انواع مختلف از نظر رنگ و طرح موجود هستند.

وجود سنسور

ويژگي جديدي که در ماشين هاي ظرفشويي استفاده مي شود سنسورها هستند. نقش سنسور افزايش کارايي انرژي از طريق تنظيم مقدار آب مصرفي در ماشين ظرفشويي به ميزان ماشين ظرفشويي است. در بسياري از موارد ، اين ويژگي تاثيري در هزينه ماشين ظرفشويي ندارد.

کاهش صدا

ويژگي جالب توجه در کاهش مصرف انرژي ، شروع تأخير شستشو در بعضي از مدل ها است که به شما امکان مي دهد در صورت پايين آمدن سطح انرژي ، آنها را روشن کنيد. اين ويژگي باعث کاهش صدا در آشپزخانه نيز مي شود.

توانايي ها

ويژگي هايي مانند قفسه هاي قابل تنظيم ، قفسه هاي متحرک بالا و وجود فضاهاي دندانه دار ، انعطاف پذيري ماشين ظرفشويي را افزايش مي دهد. علاوه بر اين ، مدل هاي داراي سه کشو داراي دو کشوي برتر نسبت به مدل هاي قديمي هستند. اين کف کوتاه براي فنجان ها يا ظروف ديگري که خيلي بلند نيستند ايده آل است. برخي از مدل ها طراحي بهتري براي سبدهاي کارد و چنگال دارند که مي توان آنها را به دو يا سه قسمت تقسيم کرد تا از فضا استفاده بهتري داشته باشيد.


حتماً در مورد ضمانت ماشين ظرفشويي اين کار را انجام دهيد

تعداد صفحات : 0

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  • تحصیل در کانادا
  •  بین بردن موهای زائد
  • اقامت قبرس با خرید ملک
  • کفش بلور
  • کفش بلور
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  • kids channel
  • kids channel
  • isna
  • stories for kids
  • گلچین
  • خرید ملک در قبرس شمالی
  • درب ضد سرقت
  • twitter smm panel
  • The Little Mermaid Story
  • شیائومی
  • خرید اکانت v2ray
  • قفل کتابی
  • خرید اشتراک v2rayng
  • smm panel
  • انواع استند فروشگاهی
  • آموزش زبان عبری
  • ممبر رایگان تلگرام
  • آموزش زبان عبری
  • ????? ???? ????
  • https://asrenoo.ir
  • https://tazoma.ir
  • https://honaremadreseh.ir
  • https://xiboo.ir
  • https://social-land.ir
  • خبر نامه

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    چت باکس


    پیوندهای روزانه
    آمار سایت
  • کل مطالب : 284
  • کل نظرات : 0
  • افراد آنلاین : 7
  • تعداد اعضا : 2
  • بازدید امروز : 37
  • بازدید کننده امروز : 1
  • باردید دیروز : 474
  • بازدید کننده دیروز : 0
  • گوگل امروز : 0
  • گوگل دیروز : 0
  • بازدید هفته : 1096
  • بازدید ماه : 2504
  • بازدید سال : 11369
  • بازدید کلی : 36241
  • کدهای اختصاصی